IEEE Day <br>2017


IEEE Day - 2017

  • October 03, 2017

Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai (MUDC) IEEE Student branch celebrated the IEEE Day 2017 for the 4th time on campus. The event was lined with various activities and witnessed active participation of students and delegates alike.

Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai (MUDC) IEEE Student branch celebrated the IEEE Day 2017 for the 4th time on campus. The event was lined with various activities and witnessed active participation of students and delegates alike.

IEEE Day - 2017 Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai (MUDC) IEEE Student branch celebrated the IEEE Day 2017 for the 4th time on campus. The event was lined with various activities and witnessed active participation of students and delegates alike. When: — Where: Category:

The event was organised to celebrate the 8th anniversary of the IEEE Manipal Dubai Student Branch. IEEE is known for its motto of 'Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow', and the event was in line with the same. 


The event also commemorated the first time when IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. Various activities were lined up for all the dignitaries, guests, members and students present. The activities included:

  • Expert Talk
  • IEEE Day Photo Contest
  • Workshop on Mobile Application Development for Robot Control
  • Astrionics Challenge - Mission to the Moon
  • Other activities such as Membership Drive, Fun/Technical Games, etc.
Mr Mohamed Samih Hussain, Senior Engineer, District Cable-Distribution Power-Distribution Asset Managemnt, from DEWA, addressed the students and delivered a technical talk on Smart City Initiatives and case studies therewith. 

The event saw active participation across the activities. The IEEE team thanks one and all for the same. 


Shown here is the invitation designed for the event.
