MIMRC - 2022
There is no denial that climate change is an existential threat to both our planet and humankind. The world is experiencing intense heatwaves, droughts, storms, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and other unexpected events leading to loss of habitats and lives. Media has a played a significant role in reporting global heating and its disastrous consequences. It continues to play an important role in influencing personal, organizational, national, and international actions to address the climate emergency. It has brought to light the dubious role of businesses in destroying forests and exploiting mineral ores for profit.
What are major drivers for sustainability and climate change and how has media covered them ever since climate change has caught the public imagination? How are climate change stories framed and who are cited as their legitimate sources? What is the role of media in forming and influencing public opinion and public policy? What role does media play in monitoring foreign aid to help underdeveloped nations meet sustainable development goals? It is only through the media much of climate science is made clear and discernible to the audience at large. Researchers working on climate journalism argue that climate journalism is in its initial stages and there is a lot that needs to be done by news media organisations and platforms to bring clarity and simplicity in reporting climate change.
The aim of this conference is to bring researchers, practitioners, journalists, policy makers working on sustainability and the climate emergency to present their recent work and research findings. We would also like to hear from those of you whose work on climate change has been successful and how has it benefited communities on the ground. Importantly, the aim of our conference is to bring together a multiplicity of views from various actors and stakeholders on the climate emergency so that we all can learn and benefit from them. By doing so, the conference aims to create a platform for necessitating appropriate action for a resilient and sustainable future.
Research papers and documentaries are invited on the theme of the Conference. Submissions may include, but are not limited to the following sub themes:
- Circular Economy Frameworks and the Climate Change
- Circularity and Regenerative Principles
- Business and the Climate Emergency
- Gender and the Climate Emergency
- Digital Innovations and Climate Change
- Climate Science Reporting and Climate Journalism
- Communicating sustainability to consumers
- Consumer trends in Environmental Issues
- Consumer’s Environmental Concerns
- Green Brands and businesses
- Sustainability and social media communication
- Sustainable consumer behaviour
- Activism, Climate Change and the Media
- Energy Transitions and the Climate Emergency
- Green Cities and Sustainable Futures
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable marketing
- Sustainable tourism
- Sustainable Communications
- Climate Emergency in Education
- Education, policy and advocacy of climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Media framing of climate change stories
- Education and awareness on sustainability and climate change across various media platforms
- Biodiversity, Conservation and the Climate Emergency
Submission Formats:
- Research papers
- Documentaries
Format for Abstract/ Synopsis Submission
Research Paper:
- Indicate “Abstract Submission – Research paper” in the subject line of your email
- Email should contain the following:
-Title of the paper
-Author’s name, e-mail ID and affiliation
-Short profile of the Author (50 words)
-Research Paper Abstract (250 words)
-Mention at least 3 keywords at the end of the abstract
Documentaries Submission*:
- Indicate “Documentary Submission” in the subject line of your email - Email should contain the following:
-Title of the documentary
-Director’s name along with the crew e-mail ID and affiliation
-Short profile (50 words)
* Documentaries should be based on any topic pertaining to the broad theme of the conference. Production time should be between Jan 2021-May 2022.
Abstracts/ synopsis of documentary for consideration should be submitted to mimrc@manipaldubai.com
It is expected that each person will submit only one (1) abstract. However, under no circumstances should there be more than two (2) abstracts bearing the name of the same author, either individually or as part of any group of authors. The language and deliberations of the conference are in English.
Format for Full paper submission:
- Use APA Style Guide ▪ 12-point Times New Roman font.
All paragraphs and body text justified and single spaced.
Manuscripts to be about 5,000-7000 words (excluding tables, figures and references) - Corresponding author contact email address should be added at the end of the paper after references
References to be single spaced (indented after first line of reference)
Evaluation Criteria for Abstracts:
- Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on:
-Originality, novelty, and significance
-Theoretical contribution
Important Dates | |
Deadline for Abstract / Documentary Synopsis submission | 30 April |
Notification of decision | 5 May |
Deadline for Full Paper / Documentary submission | 25 May |
Date of Conference | 31 May |
The Registration for the conference is free. It will be a virtual conference. |
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