E-Symposium - 2021
Sustainability & Growth through Strategic Change
The world is changing, with massive repercussions for business strategy and value creation. The Strategic change will facilitate in implementation of new strategies that involve substantive changes beyond the normal routines of the organization.
This symposium is going to enlighten with facing new challenges and optimize the latest opportunities in a strategic manner in every field. To get the desired future, this symposium will help in uplifting the competitive advantage in all the areas.
We invite research submissions, conceptual, empirical, experimental, and case studies by nature, on the following tracks, but are not limited to the following areas:
- Marketing
- Human Resource management
- Information Technology
- Finance
- Blockchain
- Supply Chain Management and Logistics
- Analytics
- Humanities & Social Science
Abstract Submission and Review Procedure
You are invited to submit an abstract which will be peer reviewed. Please include author title (such as Mr. Ms. Dr.), the name of author(s) and affiliation of the corresponding author and email address in the abstract itself.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- All abstracts must be submitted in English.
- Abstracts must be approximately 500 – 750 words.
- Abstracts must contain at least 6 keywords.
- The abstract should clearly state the:
-Principal Topic
-Method (or “Key Propositions” for conceptual papers)
-Results and Implications
-Abstracts must be text only and there is no need to list the references even if in-text references are used (having a couple of key in-text references may be appropriate). - Pictures or graphs should not be submitted.
- Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, with 1-inch (2.5cm) margins all around for the text, including headers and footnotes.
Format for Abstract Submission
- Indicate “Abstract Submission” in the subject line of your email
- Email should contain the following:
-Title of the paper
-Author’s name, designation, e-mail ID and educational institution
-Short biography of the Author (50 words)
-Paper Abstract (250- 500 words)
-Mention at least 3 keywords at the end of the abstract
-Abstracts for consideration should be submitted to -SGTSC2021@manipaldubai.com
-It is expected that each person will submit only one (1) abstract. However, under no circumstances should there be more than two (2) abstracts bearing the name of the same author, either individually or as part of any group of authors.
-The language and deliberations of the conference are in English.
-Abstracts for consideration should be submitted to SGTSC2021@manipaldubai.com
Evaluation Criteria
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on:
- Originality, novelty, and significance
- Theoretical contribution
- Methodology
- Accepted abstracts will have to be presented online on the symposium date by the authors.
Each abstract presentation lasts roughly 15 minutes with 10 minutes for the presentation of the abstract and 5 minutes for Q&A.
Important Dates
- Deadline for abstract submission: 31st January 2021
- Notification of Acceptance: 7th February 2021
- Deadline for Free Registration: February 2021
- Date of the Symposium: 24th February 2021
Registration: The Registration for the symposium is free. It will be a virtual conference.
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