AEIT - 2021
Call for Papers
The colloquium aims to promote scientific research among students and bring together leading academicians and industrialists to exchange and share their experiences in advancements in Engineering. The colloquium reflects the current focus of global research, recent developments, challenges, and emerging trends in the fields mentioned below:
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science Engineering
- Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Information Technology
- Mecahnical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
The research colloquium targets the UG, PG & doctoral students from different universities at the national and international levels. All participants must refer to the timelines indicated below for submissions.
Full Paper (for review): 10th May 2021
Camera Ready Paper: 20th May 2021
Poster: 15th May 2021
Registration Form:
To register, please submit your details here
Registration: Free
Participation: Online by Invite
Paper details
You are invited to submit either an abstract or a complete paper which will be peer reviewed. Please include author title (such as Mr, Ms, Dr), the name of author(s) and affiliation of the corresponding author and email address in the paper itself. Please send either full paper or abstract to email id: AEIT2021@manipaldubai.com. Please read the Abstract Submission Guidelines given below before your submission.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- All Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- Abstracts must be approximately 600 words.
- Abstracts must be text only and there is no need to list the references even if in-text references are used (having a couple of key in-text references may be appropriate).
- Pictures or graphs should not be submitted.
- Paper should be of maximum 10 pages, including all tables, figures, notes, and references.
- Template for the abstract may be downloaded here
- Template for the full paper may be downloaded here
Accepted abstracts/papers will have to be presented on the Colloquium date by the authors. Each paper presentation lasts roughly 15 minutes with 10 minutes for the presentation of the paper and 5 minutes for Q&A.
Best Paper/Poster Award
The Best Paper Award will be announced at the end of the colloquium, and a digital certificate will be issued to the author. Participation Certificates will also be issued to the authors who would present their papers in the colloquium.
Colloquium Proceedings
All the abstracts of accepted full papers would be included in the colloquium proceedings and the softcopy of the same would be provided after the colloquium to all those who registered and participated in the colloquium.
Important information
Important Dates
Registartion Deadline | May 10, 2021 |
Last Date for Full Paper Submission (for review) | May 10, 2021 |
Last Date for Poster Submission | May 15, 2021 |
Last Date for for Camera Ready Paper | May 20, 2021 |
Conference Core Committee
Dr. Ravishankar Dudhe | ravishankar.dudhe@manipaldubai.com +971 55 318 2181 |
Dr. Vandana Sakhre | vandana.sakhre@manipaldubai.com +971 50 253 8444 |
Prof. Prachee Gupta | prachee.gupta@manipaldubai.com +971 56 114 2684 |
The Organizing Secretary – AEIT 2021
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai Campus
G-04, Dubai International Academic City
P.O. Box 345050
Dubai, U.A.E.
Tel: +971 4429 0777/850
Fax: +971 55 318 2181
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